Stephanie 7 months ago

What are the key features and future potential of the DeSo blockchain?

What are the key features and future potential of the DeSo blockchain?

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Key features of the DeSo blockchain include its ability to support a wide range of decentralized social media applications, akin to decentralized versions of Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. These applications utilize DeSo's unique functionalities like creator coins, social tipping, and NFTs, enabling a new kind of social media experience. Another significant aspect of DeSo is its cost-effectiveness in terms of on-chain storage, making it feasible to store large amounts of social media data on the blockchain. Looking towards the future, DeSo has the potential to catalyze a new wave of social media applications that are not only decentralized but also more aligned with the interests of users and creators. The ongoing development and expansion of DeSo's features, such as enhanced data visualization tools and improved access to social data through GraphQL and the DeSo Indexer, indicate a commitment to fostering an innovative and user-centric social media ecosystem.