Melissa 7 months ago

How does DeSo differ from traditional social media platforms and other blockchains in terms of functionality and user benefits?

How does DeSo differ from traditional social media platforms and other blockchains in terms of functionality and user benefits?

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Answers (1)


DeSo differentiates itself from traditional social media platforms by decentralizing the control and ownership of social data. Unlike conventional platforms where the company owns user data, DeSo allows users to have full control over their content, identity, and social connections. This approach not only enhances privacy and censorship resistance but also opens up new avenues for content monetization. In comparison to other blockchains, DeSo is unique as it's specifically tailored for social applications, unlike general-purpose blockchains. It supports a range of blockchain-native features like social tokens, tipping, and NFTs, which are integrated directly into the user's social experience. These features unlock new categories of money-enabled products, enabling creators to monetize their content in ways not possible on traditional platforms.