Laura 7 months ago

How does DeSo aim to solve the issue of content monetization for creators?

How does DeSo aim to solve the issue of content monetization for creators?

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Answers (1)


DeSo tackles the challenge of content monetization head-on by leveraging blockchain technology. Traditional social media platforms often limit monetization opportunities for creators, offering little control over revenue generation. DeSo, on the other hand, introduces blockchain-native features like Social Tokens, tipping, and NFTs, enabling creators to monetize their content more effectively. These tools allow creators to generate revenue directly from their audience, bypassing the need for intermediary advertising or platform fees. For instance, creators can issue their own Social Tokens, which followers can buy, trade, or hold, effectively investing in the creator’s brand. Additionally, NFTs on DeSo provide a unique way to monetize digital content, while tipping features enable direct financial support from followers. These mechanisms create a more equitable ecosystem where creators are rewarded fairly for their contributions.